im good at rationing my food, but go through my drinks in a hurry. a gallon of orange juice, lasts me 2 days. and a 6 pack of diet coke i drink in one day. i just drink and drink and drink until it’s gone. so i’ve started to just buy either 1 diet coke or orange juice at the gas station each day.
They say excessive thirst is a sign of diabetes. Best get it checked out.
Do you do the same with sweets etc.?
no i dont eat sweets.
What about water? or is it just delicious drinks?
i drink a half gallon of water a day.
Are you under weight?
a little, i was dieting but now eating more. i had my blppd work done last year and the nurse practitioner said i was very healthy, except for my slighly elevated cholesterol. no signs of diabetes.
When my brother got type he had sudden weight loss and excessive thirst. I would just mention excessive thirst to a doc.
ok will do, thanks for the concern.
I am horrible at rationing soda. Two days and I go through a 12 pack. Food wise I’m very good at not overeating. But the pop…eesh!
I buy treats in moderation. One small packet at a time. I can’t ration. If it is a large packet of sweets, I will eat it all at once.
I eat until I feel full which is a lot sometimes.
I can ration except when it comes to anything chocolate . Then it goes pretty quickly.
I go through a lot of soda. Hate to run out. No I can’t ration. And it’s more expensive to buy singles.
I’m over my time with sweets. I like it salty. But not buying any of those things like chips etc. I’m diabetic. Today I decided for another attemp to quit smoking. I drink way too much sugar across the day. But can’t start with quitting two things at once whilst I tried in the past and always failed on both. So I’m currently going without any smoking.
Both quitting sugar and nicotine is really hard.
The Stones said kicking sugar was harder than junk.
You might be addicted to the carbonation, and not sugar. I’ve heard many quit by switching to seltzer.
No i can’t ration, there is no need. I am not good at saving at all.
Why don’t you drink diet sodas 0 sugar instead? There are sugar free juices too, 10 calories/cup. Diet sodas are 0 calories.