Rate your quality of life out of 10: Poll

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  • 10
  • 11

0 voters

A four. You have “physiological and safety needs” but you are missing everything else.

I said a four because I don’t have a car, and the arthritis in my hip hurts all the time, making it difficult to walk.

I picked 2, I’m not permanently hospitalized, and I’m not pacing all day/night anymore.

2 bcz I don’t need hospitalizations while on meds but still have severe negative symptoms, I stay in bed all day everyday, only get up to eat. I gained 165lb, I am now 300lb, taking meds for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. I am only 30 y.o.

11 being the best? I voted 11 then. My life couldn’t be better.

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I voted 8 with 10 being best. I love my life and it’s good at the moment. Somethings could be better but they aren’t deal breakers.

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My quality of life is rather good now that the jealous haters didn’t ruin my day.
Ha ha ha ha sucked in jealous haters but I managed to do pump today.so there!:metal:t5:

I would rather live with my x boyfriend and his girls and my dog but I have it good still.

That was the best home I ever had n the best partner n girls.

I have pretty high quality life though thanks to my former stepmother who lets me rent her place affordably.

It’s somewhat expensive neighbourhood so I couldn’t afford it if she didn’t help me.

She takes me out for family breakfast sometimes which also enrichens my life.

My x lets me be a fan.

I have things to look forward to such as getting tattoos.

I manage to exercise two times a week mostly.

I have my sacred neigh n dog n family.

I am nolonger hearing voices or delusional.

I am able to volunteer work a few hours and I am able to shower etc.

My quality of life would be better if my x took me back because I miss him n girls n home.

But I have it good.

Thankfully I have a bed to sleep in and nice vegan food to eat etc

I do like to pray to say Thankyou despite that I’m not a member of any religion.

I have a lot to be thankful for and I know it.

May the jealous haters not succeed with ruining me n my life.

Looks like most people are average or just slightly above (5-6) both getting 19% of the vote.

I think we need more people to rate their quality of life than the current 27 to arrive at a definitive answer

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Cant complain. Precarious living situation, but Im in a good degree program and have an ok social life (aka you guys and my friends back home across the pond lol). I live like a total slob but I take care of myself. I think the fact that Im living in a foreign country really flares up my psychosis though.

All in all 7, seems about right

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it is 2.5 but i wll make it 3 :slight_smile:

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I rated mine 8.
I have a good job, a stable income, alright health, and my mental symptoms are well managed.
I wish I had more money so I wouldn’t have to scrimp on food and cigarettes, but otherwise, my life is pretty darn great.

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The antidepressants I take certainly keep severe depression in check. However, Schizophrenia has taken away so much of me that I really can’t vote higher than a 6 I’m afraid.

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