So if I’m at hospital or seeing my psychologist I often get asked to rate my mood or my pain as a way of comparing. Firstly I think it’s kind of dumb as a number doesn’t really say much but also I have this weird thing of not wanting to say 10 (or in the case of mood 1 or 10) does anyone else have this?
It’s like if I say 10 then it must be really serious where as if I say oh just 8 then the pain is less somehow. Sometimes even I don’t understand my logic
Thats okay you know? We dont want to believe we are in that much pain. As of this last week I say my pain is about a 3. It used to be a 10. Im good now
Glad to know your getting better, could I ask why the change?
I just find it so hard to know what number I find if I pick high they’ll think I’m attention seeking but if I pick low I don’t get the help
Well I went back to college. Its doing me good. The meds work wonders too. Dont want to jinx it but I’ve been symptom free for the last 3 days.
I get that. But dont think about it as attention seeking, its their job tp help you and your job to be honest.
There’s this theory by some kind of pop psychologist that our feelings are substantially formed by what we express. You don’t laugh because you are happy; you are happy because you laugh. I find this true to a certain extent, particularly with emotional pain. It can work in the other direction too. You can make painful emotions more painful by maximizing them. If you don’t watch out you can find yourself turning ordinary boredom into “existential dread”. Just the sound of that sounds painful.
I get what you mean but I get like genuine anxiety over what number to pick and my doctor was like describe what a 10 is to you and I just like freaked out
Rate your pain
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- 8
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- 10
0 voters
How do you do that?
I vote 3 because at night my dissatisfaction kind of acts up, but for most of the day it’s near none
And is it pain right now as in physical or just general rate how you are mentally right now
[poll type=number min=1 max=10]
I’m gonna have to have a go with this in the futire
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[quote=“Minnii, post:4, topic:35740”]
Well I went back to college.
[/quote] what do you study?
Chinese medicine
yeah you told me that before…cool…
You’re one of the forefather of poll…
Tell em again @minnii
I swear I’ve seen you asked that question 200 times the last month