Small rant-
My husband and mother in law are blaming me for my step son gaining too much weight… my husband expects me to make him do exercises and put him on a diet, so does my mother in law… I have him go on walks with me at the park. But I am not gonna force this kid to do sit-ups and sh*t… he’s 9 and weighs as much as my mom (she’s tiny but still). I already have enough of a hard time working on myself to lose weight. I was heavy kid too growing up… but just cause he’s heavier now doesn’t mean he’s gonna end up being 400 pounds when he’s older. I don’t know what to do… put the kid on a diet and make him exercise or just let it be?
Maybe diet and subscribe him to a sports team like soccer, basketball, martial arts etc?
I don’t think it could hurt to make his food intake healthier, but don’t single him out by putting him on a diet. Change the diet for the whole household. If you’re struggling to lose weight too, maybe it would benefit you as well.
I agree that diet changes would be the path of least resistance, simple things like no processed meat, breakfast cereals with lower sugar content, no deep fried chips etc.
Dieting is a waste of time. as others have said, just modify food that is eaten
Lots of fruit and physical activity have done wonders for my weight.
Have to say must be a difficult thing to deal with.
You can’t dictate what someones metabolism is going to be like
9 is awfully young to be worrying about his weight. a diet wouldn’t hurt, but kids usually have faster metabolisms and need more calories than adults. idk, tough call, some diets can be tasty, but aren’t always economical and friendly on the budget. if anything i would just take small steps like avoiding sugary drinks and encourage some exercise, like riding a bike or going for walks. kids like to ride bikes right?
We don’t really have sports stuff around where we live… cause of covid… or else I prolly would have enlisted him in a sport
Well that’s what I feel like- 9 is too young to be worrying about his weight…
I make him go for walks with me already. I’m gonna have his grandma send his bicycle with him so he can ride that too…
yeah i had friends who were overweight as kids, and then when they were adults they decided they wanted to be healthier and lost the extra weight, kids may not worry about things like that. you never know what will happen.
Hm, maybe just make small changes but that have benefit such as snack swaps and wholegrain.
In terms of exercise I think walks is good
Food is the main influencing factor in weight not exercise
I think its 50/50. On Abilify I was eating much more than now, daily Mcdonald etc, and I was 100lb less than now only bcz I was going to the gym 5x2h /week.
OK Yea if you are doing THAT much exercise it would be a different story Yea…
Sometimes I ate up to 3 times/day at Mcdonald while on Abilify. The eating addiction with Abilify is real.
Slowly and gradually work up to running intervals. You should love it. Put the head phones on. It’s a great high.
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