Random (A Poem)

You ever,
Random tattoos,
Of random,
Tattooed all over,
Your body ?


I get random feelings tattooed all over my soul.
Someone told me it’s the path to eternal happiness but only if engraved in the right order and at the right time.
Otherwise they become chains that keep me locked to the bottom of a sea of regrets.

I hear ya.

We learn something new everyday :grin:

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Omg I legit used to do this.

My belly button area I’d write all kinds of things and symbolic images.

Once I was at a party my dress fell down n I think people saw all my written tattoos. I’m not sure cos I was drunk.

Nuff bout me loll

That’s beautiful @anon90843118 :grin:

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Haha Yea… I was really out of it.

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