I ran away from home a couple days back. I was due for my next injection, and I thought it was mind control poison, so I tried to get away from my house until my appointment was missed. I did end up coming back home a couple hours later, and getting the injection the next day. I was not happy, but I feel a bit better today. The only upside of this is that I got a lot of exercise. I’m not sure why I’m posting this here. Maybe I think you’ll find it relatable, or perhaps I just need to get it off my chest. Well, it’s all over with, so it really doesn’t matter. Though I am worried that my doctor will see me as a danger to myself when she sees me next week. Oh well.
Unless you are on a court order, or went somewhere dangerous, this doesn’t strike me as “danger to themselves” behavior. Is there something specific you dislike about your current med? You could always ask to be switched to something different in the future if you have an issue with certain side effects.
Or, if you have no issues with your med except when you are due for your shot and start to slip into psychosis, you could ask to receive the shot a few days earlier.
I typically have no issues with the medication until about a week ahead of when I’m due, so I’ll see if I can make receive the shot a tad earlier.
I do doubt the doctor will say much, but I really have no idea. I didn’t go anywhere dangerous per se, and I never planned to hurt myself. Leaving the house on my own, despite being an adult, is just something my family and doctor see as a huge no-no, and I don’t know how they’ll interpret it.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that they may be worried that I’m not getting much better, and might think I need inpatient treatment. But it’s unlikely and I’m probably just anxious.
I think if you go into the appointment explaining that the week before your shot you start to get psychotic, and asking for an earlier shot, you should be seen as self-aware and proactive in your recovery. Granted, I don’t know your specific situation. But if I had an episode and then immediately reported it to my doc and offered up a possible solution, I think he would appreciate and respect my view. I dont know if your shot can be given earlier or not, but it at leastshows you are trying to find ways to stay safe.
I’ll bring it up with the doctor. I’m not sure if the shot can be given earlier either, but we may be able to come up with a plan. Thank you for your help and kindness. ^^
I was told I could get pills a week before my injection to tie me over.
Yea can definitely relate to that yo
I was like that on the injection. I had to do a combo of pills and the shot. Definitely talk to your doctor. Just be honest that you were scared and tell them that it seems to be a pattern. If you’re in the states sometimes insurance won’t let you take it more than once every 30 days, but if you can, I would definitely suggest trying to get it every 3 weeks instead of 4 if that’s what you’re doing now. But inn sure your doctor is aware of this possibility and has seen it in other patients. It’s pretty common.
Good luck.
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