Ran into an old "flame"

Last night I had a former lover pass by me in the street outside of my home. I got his attention and realized that he looked pretty bad. I pushed those thoughts to the side and gave him the benefit of the doubt. By the end of the conversation there was no doubt that he was actively psychotic.

Kind of sad and scary to see him that way. :frowning:


Met an old flame in a Bar a few years back after we broke up. She was covered in tattoos, nose rings and had a drug addiction.

She cursed me for destroying her life by breaking up with her. I finished my beer and left. She was a wholesome gal when we dated, and seeing her like that still haunts me to this day.


You know you werenā€™t the reason for her self destructionā€¦ Right?

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I dunno. I guess she was destined to become that way. If it wasnā€™t me, it probably wouldā€™ve been someone else for her to blame.

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The truth in your statement shines brightly.


I broke up with another girl, and she married a millionaire and lives in Miami!



Jeez the only oneā€™s I know of are both married, one has a family one has cats. I donā€™t know, theyā€™re both fine as far as I know and compared to me. I mean Iā€™ve been the down and out crazy one to them, I mean the crap insane emails Iā€™ve sent after a few hundred milligrams of adderal and a bottle of vodkaā€¦but that was a long time ago. Havenā€™t really run into anyone thoughā€¦found an obituary online but I have my doubtsā€¦I mean she could, like swing that.

I donā€™t knowā€¦Iā€™ve been like an ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  whoā€™s actually not so deep down a sweetheart, even before I lost my mind, after my mind went in my 20ā€™s the assholeness got twice as bad but likeā€¦I donā€™t knowā€¦some of these people were being set up to get rolled too, there was some grand sick ass puppet master in my mid 20ā€™s making things happen, getting people to meet me. Iā€™m a decent human being just someone who may have been through more than anyone could have sanely taken without breaking and I took and never broke.


I hurt someone too in the past. I was just young and crazy so i dumped him. He married a beautiful girl. I wish them luck. I guess im doing pretty good too, thanks god. :v:ļø


My ex bf crashed his car and lost his job awhike after i broke up with him and he was recieving treatment for his issues. I feel partially responsible i wasnt a very nice person to himā€¦ :slightly_frowning_face:

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