Quitting Smoking/Vaping

So, last week I started getting really short of breath and having difficulty taking deep breaths. I went to the ER and was basically told that it was due to anxiety and released. Two days later I returned to the ER on the advice of my primary doctor, and this time they actually did tests and prescribed an inhaler which helped me breathe easier. I made the decision that I needed to quit smoking/vaping or that shortness of breath was going to be my future.

I’ve been smoking for 30 years…I learned how to do it in a psych ward when I was 18. These last few years my cigarette consumption went down to 5-6 cigs a day while I basically vaped non-stop. I’m a slave to nicotine.

So, anyway, I’m on my third day without either a cigarette or a vape. I’ve been using the nicotine patch and chewing on cinnamon sticks to give my mouth and hands something to do. I’m also chewing gum a few times a day. Already my breathing is better, but I sure am craving the vape! Also, I want to constantly stuff my face with junk foods!

Anyways, I’d love any advice anyone can offer on quitting and any hope that the cravings do get better over time. Thanks, y’all!


I think it’s old tech now but I got off on Champix/chantix. Partial nicotine agonist and worked a treat. Just got my two weeks in or whatever and just stopped smoking. I was a hopeless nicotine addict.

I think there’s better options out there but worth a shot these days. It can be hit or miss for people but I tried nicotine replacement and everything else and never could do it. I did the med thing and it was so easy. That was 2009.

Good luck!! I know its hard to do. I smoked cigs for 25 years and quit last december. I did good for 7 months and then stress caused me to pick up the vape for the first time. But thr nicotine patch and sucking on lollipops really helped me quit.

Is is nice you quite and open a topic about it. So advices.

  1. Anytime you feel like smoking or vaping, before you do it, post the triger here. Why you felt like smoking, what happend, were is the carving (langs or mouth, or troat). Just post everything that made you think about smoking. Than remember you said you quit…:stuck_out_tongue: … and be strong
  2. Food carving, that is hard, I am fighting binging myself since comes from meds.
    Anytime you feel eating something, drink water. Has no calories. I tried with fruits, but I can not hold myself.

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