Quietiapine Added to Clozapine

My psychiatrist has decided to add low dose Quietiapine to my Clozapine after I wanted Haloperidal instead to be taken with Clozapine. She said Haldol will give side effects and would require a third drug such as procycline to be added.

The request was made as my anxiety has spiralled out of control.

May I ask any other people on this drug regime and how they have found it?


I’m on clozapine and they added abilify not noticing much change
Stelazine is a good old drug I was on it ten years and had a few two year jobs
I’m seeing doctor Tuesday I hope he might add stelazine but I doubt he will

Stelazine good for anxiety

Me also the simplest tasks are hard

Hi Shellys12

When in hospital I too was on 15mg stelazine in the 1990’s.

I did try it again a few years ago but did not help with the anxiety unfortunately. It must have stopped working.

Thanks for your input.

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Everyone different
Good luck finding the right combination of medication

Thank you for your nice words.

I too hope I find the right combination…

Qutiapine really calms one.
Follow your doctor’s instructions on n
I must learn that too.