Quick Question About The Greeness of This Forum

Kermit The Frog Reporting Here …

Sorry The Drummer is Not Available, He Died Today, Its That Anniversary Again, For The First Time, Again… Anyway …

How Much Coal Has To Burned Annually To Keep This Fictitious Business Name Operating, in order for boys and girls to get their Questions Answered By Those With Authority?

Might Not Be Enough ? Mayhap, there a whole lot more burning in $tore?

Are you sleepoptimistic?

No, he is not.

Sorry, but what the heck did he just say :thinking:?

You mean like solar energy and wind power?

@77nick77 Energy, Schmenergy, who cares where it comes from. Take a tenth of a dosage away and ■■■■ hits the fan, eh?

I am not understanding this thread.


You are not alone.

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Energy and productivity. So this walking dude wants to build a pyramid scheme. first he enslaves, then he sets up a serf account for those not drawn in that tan net, then he has some high grade cure all to sell you … if you get in early, you will be a part of the Crowd Bit … Yesterday, supplements were verboten, now they are the Thing, Tomorrow all You Will Have To Do … is Dream A Little Dream … With Him!

Virtual Coal Plants and Vegetable Matters…

We All Went Through This At The Beginning of The Last Century as Sperm and Ovem in Unkies and Aunties War Chests.Fool us once shame on you, fool us twice shame on me, fool us 3 times, Shame On EVERY LIVING THING!

I do not understand word one that this guy is trying to get across. I’m already bored with it.

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Well, I’m really dumb, because I have this guy blocked, as he is always spewing this craziness and I find it annoying and boring, too. And yet, I went and quickly unblocked and took a look. Obviously, I hate myself. :rofl:


You must be crazy jk


Yep!! Sometimes I can’t figure myself out… glutton for punishment…

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We make @Bowens take care of the forum composting since he is new.


Sniff…I wondered what that smell was…

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Well, we have to be green!

@rogueone has to do this week’s recycling. I’ll get it next week.


Because if it keeps coming from fossil fuels we’re doomed.

I’m on it! I think someone beat me in taking out the trash this week but I’m on it. :slight_smile:

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