<.><.><.>~Question of Faith~<.><.><.>

Why Are People Sensitive About The Subject of Religion?.

Ancient New Age Religion/Spirituality?.

Olde World/New World View Religion/Spirituality?.

Aliens & Shapeshifters?.



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I think all could have started off this way…


I’m catholic, but i transcend my catholicism with advaïta vedanta.

Thanx @X_Y_Z, Great Photo of Wilson.

@Azythum, What is “advaita vedanta”?.

Religion and beliefs are very personal and people tend to believe they are right so tempers flare

Talking about religion on the forum is not allowed because it is triggering to a lot of people who experience psychosis.

I’ve Experience “psychosis” a Number of Times.

Spirituality is What is Extremely Fulfilling to Me Personally.

So I Pretty Much Do Not Understand The Problem.

True But Hiding The Hypothetical Lamp is Not Going to Solve The Wars IMHO

Just because something is true for you doesn’t mean it’s true for everyone.