Since being a Landscaper again, I have been back in my hometown more as I have no commute as such, as I used to work an hours drive away and was never around.
This has resulted in me ‘bumping into’ friends of times past.
Not all, but some are into drugs. I had this one guy keep telling me about his drink driving, taking loads of valium and doing £30k’s worth of cocaine in a year.
In the last month, I have been harassed with calls and texts, and I don’t want to just blank these people, as they have potential to be dangerous.
What can I do about this?
I have Autism, so I am ■■■■ at handling these things, and could really do with some impartial views on my options
I can sympathize more than I can help. I would work through a third party to find out which of them you would rather not associate with and just politely tell those people you have other plans.