There is a lot to worry about when you make your life dependent on strangers and a major crisis hits the World. Will the employees get sick and no one come to help us? Will there be enough food, drugs, and toilet paper? Will we end up like Venezuela? There is a lot of boredom too. The rain has ended for today after 12 straight days of it and that would normally be worrying enough., but that is the sideshow. Counties around us are getting cases and its only a matter of time before it hits here. I just coughed some. (Coronavirus, or allergies?) There was concern elsewhere. One of my nieces recently got sick. She has recovered at least and it’s not corona, but my twin says she’s not 100%. Someone here has a fever. The streets are nearly empty and death lurks in the shadows as something that can’t be seen tries to destroy the World. The World will likely survive but I may not emerge among them.
I don’t know anyone with coronavirus. All the people i know are symptom free.
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