Putting those vibes on this tune

Tune I just made. Thanks for listening. Always have hope and dreams XD


Yo very epic and emotional sounding. I like it a lot! You def put a lot of work into the mixing I bet, its very nicely mixed

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Sick my dude. I dig it for sure.:grinning:

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Thanks so much. Yeah the mixing was a challenge, but a lot of fun. More advanced mixing/mastering techniques would be really cool to learn, I just usually stop short and move on to another tune.

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Oh I took some courses on that. It was good to learn but I feel like most of it is on youtube too if you know what to look for

I short stop too lol I get lazy or dont have the time

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Nice! That’s legit. Yeah YouTube is great, I’ve been watching more tutorials just recently and picking up a few things here and there.

For sure. For me it’s mostly personal enjoyment of the music, not like I’m sharing it with a large audience so “good enough” is good enough for me lol.

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