Put down the banjo, Timmy: study finds learning music won’t make children smart

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Myth busted? 151515

Tbh playing in orchestra put me in a good environment. All the other classical musicians tended to be kids from good families and we all were very competitive about our schooling. Not to mention I got to travel and play events around the country and get to watch some of the world’s top orchestras on these trips. Sports aren’t for everyone and I think music is a great alternative.

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Music does make kids smarter.

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They made us pick band or orchestra Late in elementary school.

I shoulda done band but I always wanted to do what my sister did so I played violin.

The kids who played since they were 5 or younger were the best. I didn’t understand that so much back then.

There was a time I was alright but I always had to try very hard to be decent at the violin. Mostly I was a second violin and I quit after middle school.

I did enjoy singing in the choir and choruses. Until I was embarrassed my voice wasn’t low enough and I was just about embarrassed about everything I was. I wanted to be a bass but I really was a tenor but she let me be bass because I tried my hardest to sing very low. The kids who were tenors were in the school plays. Which I had the capacity to be in too. But I purposely messed up cuz I didn’t wanna be the lead. I wanted the 2nd or 3rd role. But I always only cared about sports. I wanted to be an athlete or into sports. I’m happy I like art as an adult. It’s really challenges my mind and I have sports and math and science still to fall back on too

The kids that started from preschool playing were definitely the best. I didn’t start till I was 14 but I practiced a few hours a day and was able to get a few scholarships (before sz) to play in a university orchestra when I first left home.

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I played piano at 5-8. That was my best instrument. I quit because I hated practicing. However I was very good at that.

I quit a lot of things I was good at. I wanted to play baseball and baseball only. So I quit soccer, didn’t wanna run track, piano, few other things if I could remember.

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Piano lessons were chosen as an extra curricular activity for me to do at prep school… To say I had little aptitude for it would be to overestimate my ability . In the 5 years I had lessons I didn’t get good enough to do grade 1.

We had to play the recorder (basically a plastic flute) in 4th grade for music class.

I never memorized the music, and just ended up playing a bunch of random notes during the school concert :upside_down_face:


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