Purpose of life

My only purpose is to please God

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I think we have to make the best thing we can. If so, that is somehow a good plus. If not, that is minus.

Thats… brilliant …

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You smoke the day’s last cigarette remembering what you said purpose without purpose has only one purpose life without life only has one life


I try to survive

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To be the best person that I can be, and help when I can


My purpose in living is to love and serve my Higher Power. Period.


Same here. And to heal.

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That’s a challenging question. I have several answers but I really don’t know why I have the life I do. I feel like a private in the Army. Here’s a quote I relate to:
“Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die.”
By Alfred Lord Tennyson
I hope that doesn’t sound too bleak.

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Wooo! It’s time to have a good time!

For humans i think become immortal.most of people try to achieve this by making kids.some small minority try do it this with their works arts and success.


I think the question is a bad habit. I don’t think there really is a purpose or meaning, but your brain will grind its gears away at any question or problem you give it. To say there is no purpose or meaning isn’t an evaluation of life, its just a dismissal of the question. Its the same thing as saying there are no unicorns to the question where are the unicorns. Youre looking for something that doesn’t exist and putting max value on it.

ultimately you can answer the question by putting a horn on a regular horse which is what most people do with the purpose or meaning of life, and say they’ve found it.

Its to enjoy life and be happy as much as we can.


serving other people gives meaning to folks of all faiths or lack thereof

im spiritual so i say the purpose of life is to love god and serve others


Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for December 28, 1987 | GoComics.com |  Calvin and hobbes, Happiness meaning, Comic strips

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I love that I received so many replies. Thanks guys and gals. I guess in all honesty I crave meaning and purpose becuase I’m lacking so much in terms of feeling. I feel nothing about everything. This I think is either due to negative flat affect symptoms of sza. Or as my psychiatrist says it could be because of trauma I suffered years ago, and becuase of that trauma, I unconsciously block out being emotionally effected by outside or internal sources as a protective mechanism to prevent being psychologically and emotionally hurt once again. Kinda like a hard shell has covered my heart to protect myself. The problem is though is that I can’t open the hard shell. My biggest difficulty in life is not delusions, hallucinations, anxiety and all that. It is not being able to feel any kind of emotion or interest in anything.
I’m sure a lot of you on here know what it’s like to not feel anything. Wether from meds or negative symptoms or trauma or something of the sort.
I guess one thing that gives my life meaning is that one day I’ll die. The very fact that this will all end one day makes life seem a little more important than if it went on forever endlessly.

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I thought it was money, food and women?

Food is way more important and attractive than cars.

Hey man, this is a rant on my beef with philosophy, I don’t have the answer for you

Its fun to ‘play’ with abstract ideas and ideals and tempting to follow them, it’s satisfying to be philosophing all day late in nights, to create new worlds and destroy them, however they remain just that, thoughts and ideals. If I don’t act on them, they exist just for me or not at all. That’s the hard part, to act and you cannot when you’re in The loophole of searching purpose or meaning.

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I do have a similar belief.

I call it a evolutionary mechanism, basically its about passing down psychological traits to other people to increase the chances of the psychological traits to survive after death.

Its similar to evolution but on a psychological level

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This is my song.i compose it.i think i get my pschchological traits immortal :smile:.i m happy :smile: