I find that I get positive symptoms at mid-afternoon, but not really at any other time of day. Is it like this for any of you?
yes my voices return at night before bed, the day is quiet. i think it’s cause sleep is rejuvenating, and i’ve been up for 16 hours, or maybe it’s because there is less noise outside and i have turned off my devices. and also i tend to think much more and my brain is more active before bed.
I’m ok during the day, but at about 8pm-ish , 2 hours after taking abilify, I tend to think about my unusual beliefs more etc.
I get the “whispers” late afternoon sometimes as well. I reckon its the seraquol night med wearing off. You would think my paliperadone depot would knock em out completly,
But i recognise the voices, so i know to ignore them. I actually call her “vicky”, and tell her to bugger off. Its not so bad tho, cos they arnt actually nasty - more condescending as if i was a teenager.
I get paranoid off and on throughout the day but it gets worse at night when im alone
I get voices in the morning usually.
I find symptoms return in the afternoon to evening. Probably because I’m tired and worn out by this time of day.
I don’t have this problem. When I am stressed out, I hear voices. It is not relevant to the time of day. I hear voices occasionally, once every three months now. I feel blessed about this although while I was taking olanzapine, I had no auditory hallucinations. I prefer Abilify because it has minor side effects as compared to olanzapine. It is a give and take situation. I am less sleepy and have less weight gain with Abilify but it is not 100 percent effective in taking away the voices. I deal with them when they come by continually taking Abilify.
All day long, its started getting bad 9-5 my work hours as he pretends to be me more often.
On my 150mg Invega per month. I’m okay but have fleeting thoughts about certain stuff but its not concrete and not all the time. If I kick off and refuse my injection they creep in and I don’t really notice them but I do find myself preoccupied with delusions and again they do creep in and I don’t notice until I’m thinking about them every minute I’m awake.
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