Psychotherapy in Russia

I’m on both Seroquel and Haldol. My useless pdoc’s most recent brilliant pronouncement was 1100mg Seroquel (800night, 300day)and… ready? 3x5mg Haldol day. Tried it for a couple of days and was so bombed out that Dr. Iconoclast.01 revised the order down to less than paralytic levels. And I can’t change my pdoc coz he’s part of my ACT team, who manage a lot of stuff for me ie: they procure my meds and bring them to my door at no expense to me, and various other things, like my therapist is through them etc. So I’m stuck with him but OF COURSE I feel free to adjust where I see fit. :upside_down_face:

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It was over the internet, I forget where. Look up Russian psychiatry. You can probably find something about it there.

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You say it the way you see it regarding your Pdoc.

That aside, I am on 7.5 mgs of Haldol along with 30 mgs of Abilify. I feel there are no side effects from this combination.

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I hate any amount of Haldol, but when they put you on 40 mgs. a day it gets really bad. I’ve never met anyone in person who didn’t hate Haldol.

I am scared that I may one day get TD. Apart from it I love it. Best med along with Abilify.

Some people are more prone to side effects than others. Seroquel has caused my tommy to grow two inches, but never the less Have I chosen to let my dose rise to 400 mg. That’s a dose that take away my psychoses and give me back my motivation without worsening my cognition and only worsening my libido slightly

That is what I like so much about Geodon and Seroquel. They don’t degrade my cognition.

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Some weeks ago I went bananas because the Seroquel was lowered to 300 mgs over 3 month so Crimby don’t make the same mistake as I did. I’m now been put on 550 mg Seroquel where I’ll stay for all foreseeable future. I’m on 3 different antipsychotics and I don’t think that I will ask for any changes any more the chattering has now dissolved and so had dellutions.So peeeeacefull.

haldol had horribly racist ads in the 70s i learned that on the new york times. seen some.

look it up.

I’ve come to see a good libido as a mixed blessing. I never had a problem with weight gain from Seroquel. I think pdoc’s need to be more aware of weight gain issues from the med’s, because being overweight is a serious personal health issue.

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