Psychoses and chakras

A friend of mine mentioned something to me in the style that I may have opened the third eye chakra too quickly and that is why I started experiencing psychosis and getting sick.

What do you think is there any connection?


I grew up with Hinduism
so it doesn’t sound crazy to me


I read a book about this topic. It’s written by a psychiatrist and is called ‘healing the split’.

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I once read that psychosis is when a kundalini proces goes wrong, so I kind of understand you.
Unfortunately I believe this topic will get closed


We don’t allow religious discussions on this site. This for a couple of reasons. First, it tends to cause arguments, because for some reason people can’t seem to just respect each other’s different religious beliefs. Second, many folks suffer from religious delusions. It is one of the top three topics of delusion, alongside aliens and government conspiracies. We don’t allow discussions on those topics, either. Third, there are many members here who were subjected to exorcisms by family members who, sadly, did not understand their illness. Those memories can be very traumatic for those individuals, and they don’t need to be reminded of them.

I hope you can understand, and help keep this a safe place for everyone. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Volunteer Moderator,

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