I think it’s a matter of debate whether in my case the psychological/psychiatric issues are primary or the behavioural/learning difficulties/social issues.
Do you have any close friends ? discussing these things in real life with someone trustworthy should shed more light on your doubts…
No close friends.
Then I would presume your social issues take priority. I can understand my grandma no longer has close friends cause they all died but you are still in your fifties. Looking for people to keep you company should be a priority imho. I wouldn’t mind befriending an anxious guy in real life, but over the internet there is little I can do to help him sort through his problems.
Pdocs starting to say after years of med and talking therapy it’s all psychological now. Getting more support and with real people not so much virtual ie on line might will help.
Could you get more specific about the psychological/psychiatric issues vs the behavioral/learning difficulties/social issues. Also what is the conflict? Which one is worse or has a better impact? I’m a little lost.
Psycholgical/psychiatric= anxiety(general and social),depression,mood swings, paranoia
Behavioural// learning difficulties/social = social interaction difficulties,dyspraxia?,dysgraphia?
Non verbal learning disorder? Autistic traits?
It’s hard to tell whether the psychological etc are primary or whether they are secondary to the behavioural/learning difficulties/social.
well ,psychology and psychiatry what a problematic area.