Psychiatrists love to prescribe Abilify

I have noticed that most psychiatrists love Abilify - I think it is because it is not so damaging to the body.
Abilify working for psychosis, especially schizophrenia is highly debatable.

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well it’s the enigma of antipsychotics because it’s a dopamine agonist, the opposite of every other antipsychotic. For some people it works, for others it just makes their symptoms worse. My doc wanted me to try it but I was like “I just took a class on drugs and made a B, no thanks on the Abilify.”

It is a risky drug, in reality. It’s practically unorthodox due to it being a dopamine agonist and I wasnt in the mood to hear louder voices.

But yeah it was the first drug my doc mentioned. I specified that I wanted the least sedation and weight gain so he put me on Geodon, which has worked like a charm once I found the right dose for me (anything other than 60mg twice a day makes me constipated or leaves me delusional and hallucinating)

However, I have to take propanolol 80mg ER every morning to treat the akathisia which Geodon causes. I have slightly restless legs today, without propanolol I kick like a mule standing up and stomp my feet sitting down. But I also have high blood pressure so the propanolol is necessary anyways. I also take xanax 1mg twice a day (every 7 hours) because my therapist immediately told my psychiatrist that I have generalized anxiety disorder which triggers psychosis when I panic.

Now I fight sedation with black coffee. It’s ok. I just cant go without a morning and afternoon cup or I get friggin narcoleptic.

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You are on spot on about Abilify

I’ve heard from many people (here in the forums and elsewhere) that Abilify is one of the most “gentle” antipsychotics - in terms of negative side effects, and I think that is why it is prescribed commonly. Its generally not used when the schizophrenia is severe, but for moderate cases of schizophrenia / psychosis I’ve heard many good results. Obviously - your mileage may vary…


I can’t answer for others but for me i started on 10mg and reduced to 5mg and have been not hat dose for two years without any problems except the blurry vision and a little anxiety but i can handle that.


I’ve worked with a lot of doctors who like to prescribe Abilify. But many of them don’t prescribe it wisely.

Abilify has to be titrated VERY slowly. Like over the course of weeks and months to reach the right dose. Otherwise, it causes patients to feel too restless or “activated.”

I’ve seen a lot of doctors go up to 15 mg in the course of a week, because the patients were complaining it wasn’t working yet. That’s WAY too fast. It causes a spike in dopamine that causes intolerable mental and physical symptoms.

I agree that it needs to be prescribed with more caution. And that it needs to be dosed very slowly and judiciously.




@radmedtech I was on Abilify for years, and you are so right, it can be a very activating medication, it was for me. It took me months to go up to a higher dose, and it was very activating. Also @SzAdmin is right, Abilify is not effective in more severe cases of SZ, it could work for maybe milder forms. And @mortimermouse is right - because it is a partial dopamine agonist it can worsen psychosis - it did for me

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It has worked the best for me. It’s what I needed. A milder medication, that’s not as activating as an SSRI or a stimulant. I can also handle stimulants alongside Abilify, but not atm.


A reason may be that it is still patent-protected.