Anyone here take protein shakes?
Does it mesh well with our illness?
I dont really take coffee.
Anyone here take protein shakes?
Does it mesh well with our illness?
I dont really take coffee.
I can’t see any reason why they would interfere with your treatment for your illness. At one point I was buying these big protein bars at a resale store for ten cents a piece. They were kind of hard, but if I put them in the microwave for a minute they softened right up.
Just making sure, cause ya never know
I think too much protein is hard on your kidneys, but you have to consume ridiculous amounts of protein to get that. My diet is relatively high in protein, and my older brother berates me for eating too much processed meat. He says it has too much sodium.
Just stick to the recommended intake and you’ll be fine. It’s basically powdered food.
ye… sodium… water weight and stuff…
protein shakes are fattening so I wouldn’t do it but you can if you want. I see no harm. I drink V 8 every day to stay healthy.
Excessive sodium has a number of bad effects on a person. It’s bad for your heart. I don’t think protean shakes would have that much sodium in them. That comes more from meat, especially processed meat. You might check the nutrition labels of your protean shakes to see how much sodium they have. I imagine that at least a few protean shakes don’t have that much sodium in them because body builders like protean shakes, and they like to dehydrate before a competition to make their skin tighter and show more muscle. Sodium would make it harder for them to dehydrate.
If you take too much protein you will get the runs till it starts to hurt. Not trying to be gruesome but I learned this the hard way back when I used to work out.