Prolactine thread

Lets write to this topic our prolactine levels so that we can discuss what we can do about prolactine level was 39.

My Prolactin levels are high but not extreme - they jumped from 15 to 21 …

Im more concerned with my FSH levels, which are pretty high.

I’m doing my bloodwork next week, will know in a few weeks how my prolactin is. I’m only switching meds once I finish my drivers license, at least two or three more months.

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not sure the actual levels but this time last year I was growing boobs so yeah, it was high…thank god I’m fat enough to hide the breast tissue…

I think the highest prolactine level is belong to me

What is FHS level exactly?

I think you measure it differently in the States. I know for a male in the UK it should be330 mIU/l or less . Last time (about 9 months ago) mine was 690.

FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone.

My FSH levels and LH (Luteinizing Hormone) levels were checked by my doctor - they are reproductive (Sex) Hormones that are sometimes checked by doctors when prolactin levels are higher.

Thanks something new I didn’t know before. Thanks a lot

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