Practicing Hope

I mean are you telling your potential employer that you meet in interviews that you have schizophrenia?

So you have a degree? There are some software engineer with just diploma or less so I am asking, I am also studying computer science cyber security


It’s seems like a certificate in India, for people who wants to work with food.

Apt of people start off working in the e food industry

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Yes I have a degree but it’s Electrical engineering

After my degree I started working as a computer programmer

So should I tell my employer that I have schizophrenia or not?

I think now I won’t find any coders job

Oh ok

Looks like a good career switch

I will think about it

Just find programmer jobs, the salary is better and don’t tell your employer that you have schizophrenia in Asia , they most probably will not hire schizophrenic. There’s a global pandemic so jobs are affected and job window in India for software related stuff isn’t big, their service sector only form 30% of their workforce, it’s better you seek jobs in other parts of Asia like Singapore or australia

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My housing application for low income program is approved!

That means I can live in a slightly bigger apartment with only $750/month! That’s about a little bit less than 1/4 of my salary!

Hmm… it’s a desirable context.

I just need to figure out how to transfer money with a Japanese credit card.

It could be a bit of a hassle, but I think is viable.

When I get to US, I would need to figure out how to open a bank account again… with a bad credit. Last one got closed, since I was psychotic on the street buying my hallucination gifts… dumb😒

Finally I can buy the ticket to the US. I would need make a flight connection to Qatar. It would be approximately 30 hours flight, but hey it’s cheap.

I will purchase the ticket tomorrow.


So u r flying to the us

From japan how can it be 30 hrs bcoz all that u have to do is cross the pacific

Well… lay over and such…

My transaction of the holding fee for the new housing is complete. So the process of finding a place to live is 90% complete.

My move to the US
Housing 90%
Employment 70%
Plane ticket 100%

When I get there I would have to obtain
New driver’s license
New credit/debit card
Proper documentation for local discounts for college.

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Oh yes I would need to do covid test and obtain attestantation of it to fly - 20%

My confidence is being demolished, for my criminal background is questionable. It does no good for employment…

I hope I get a chance to explain atleast.

I’m considering if I get denied employment, I would still hold on to the apartment, for it’s a good deal, that I would not be able to get any other place… and search for jobs while living there… I would have like 10 months of living. With my savings.

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Aww heavens.

So my prospective employment is not so prospective after background check. It took a downward spiral this morning when I received an email saying, because of their policy.

I mean understand, I don’t blame them or angry. No point.

Bit sad, but life do move on. If we plan things ahead I suppose.

Atleast I got her to write a reference so I can elucidate housing option. In a very reasonable price $750 a month.

I wouldn’t think I can get a better deal without a co-signer in an urban area. So I might as well make the move. I will have to come to a decision by tomorrow morning.

Risky bugger it is.

I’ve gotten a covid test and I’m pretty confident in negative, so I can enter the country no probs.

Well I’ve expected about two months for employment. So not too deviant from initial plan.

People say Housing first when recovering from these things… at least I got that down.

Hell wtf

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Sometimes I’m afraid of dying if I move to the States honestly

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At the airport always at the smoking area

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I am told there are obscure government grants for education that might help for college so you might want to check that out. Not positive because I heard it second hand but it can’t hurt to look


@Abise that’s a lot for anyone to take on. Good for you for holding it together

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Yes… thanks :blush: luckily I have some money saved up… as an insurance. I just want to clear out my court obligations out of the way.

Hopefully I can find a part time employment somewhere when things settle in a moderate level.

Hey happy birthday by the way! Wish you can have a good one!

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Your right… currently due to covid issues, the tuition of community colleges are at the same price as resident status in the state, so it would be a good time to attend.

But I would need to sort out few court case issues and a part time employment at least :confused:

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