Powm Spellyng iz whare iym dwelleeng

Tew speall whell iz ahll ay bawl whyl iy fawl 2 thu dezzerts miraawj az thu dayz gow fourwared iye krawel lyke aye baybee untyl mye pasifyer pasifies mie cryz. Thin iey eet mye dessurts aanned gowe intwo ayy daise lyke ay sppell andd playy whith aye baall untyl iym sicks feeyt taahll.


I don’t get it…
Are you ok @Dude1?

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What is this?


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Looks a little bit polish!!

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I konw you are uisng tyoypgeilcma meothd, but in your stateemnt tehre are aiioaddtnl lteetrs puls msising lteetrs.




I iz hazing a beef burger zoozay

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It is a encrypted poem that says

To spell well is all a ball while I fall to the desserts mirage as the days go forward I crawl like a baby until my pacifier pacifies my cries. Then I eat my desserts and go into a daze like a spell and play with a ball until I’m six feet tall.

I know it still doesn’t make sense but I was just playing around with the words dessert, days, spell and ball. I tried to use each word twice in a different setting.