Potato Philosophy

The Nihilist Memes page I liked on Facebook shared this and I immediately thought of you guys.


“I think, therefore I am”.
The phrase was first coined in 1400 a.d. by the historical The Great Potato", ruler of Russia.

And what, Socrates, is the food of the soul? Surely I said, Potatoes are the food of the soul.




Makes philosophy interesting to the consumer.

It’s either this or that…but it’s not like that…maybye that comes with things that don’t meant this. Maybye a philosopher says this may mean anything but that…

Get into some reading and enjoy. Would rather have people read philosophy than Harry Potter but that is me!

A friend in the struggle,


My digital audio workstation just made me waste 30 minutes trying to get it to work, but it wants to just be a big crybaby instead and do nothing it normally can do. I’m gonna go swallow 5 potatoes whole.