Post outside tempature?

its 15c outside today

10c here in Scotland. You get the rainstorm overnight? It is here now

yeah it was lashing all night

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Yeah is real heavy. There will be flooding I reckon

34 degrees F. supposed to warm up later this week…

13c in London. Wet as well.

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54F and raining.

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-2C in my part of Canada. -5C with wind chill. Good walking weather, no rain or snow today.

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50F or 10C and lots of rain :cloud_with_rain:

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24 degrees in wa. Its 10.30 pm

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32F / 0C today.

20 f / -7 c it’s pretty cold

63F/17C and pouring rain

48F/9C where I’m at. Also raining

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Welcome to the forum @YuriPetrovski . Where are you from?

It is 27f right now. :cry::cry::cry:

It’s cold and rainy here.

It’s 18:34 and 15°C outside

It’s 45F or 7.2C here.

It’s currently 11 celsius here