Possible world wide food shortage

Theyre talking about a possible food shortage

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whats the reason behind it ? is there insects eating the food?

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High gas and fertilizer prices are one reason probably from the war in Ukraine

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Russia is starting to practice agriculture in its central region, with what I understand is considerable success. The only problem with it is that farming that soil could release a lot of methane into the atmosphere. Also, they’re cutting down the trees in the taiga, another bad thing to do for the world’s environment. Maybe they could genetically engineer fast growing trees that would thrive in that area. I don’t know how we can ask Russia not to farm Siberia when we’ve done so much polluting ourselves, but we need to halt global warming.

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It’s already started happening due to the pandemic. A big part of why I started a garden in my kitchen.


In the states the gas prices are :100::100::100: inflated because of oil tycoons greed. Wet get barely any oil from Russia. It’s all propaganda to get them more money.


Also, here’s some info on regrowing from scraps.


I’m okay with going back to eating potatoes, beans, and rice. Just mix and match with some onions and meat once awhile. Anyway, there’s always Taco Bell with that 10 dollar one taco a day subscription thing. Lol best worst idea I had this month.


Sorry guys, my fault. Ive been binge eating * food stocks drop to zero *


I have huge amounts of canned goods in my room, and I have about fifty gallons of water stored in plastic milk jugs. I could barricade myself in my room and hold out in here for months.

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Someone took my ham salad at the grocery store, the other day. It cost $5.00. (4.55 Euros).

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I thoughts you were saving that for me. :thinking:

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Got a food saver for food. Idk I hope it doesn’t happen.

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The news is triggering in so many ways… went on a news diet. :smile:


Not to mention the semiconductor shortage affecting the supply of PlayStation 5 consoles. :weary:

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Wonder what the reason is… chips are made from the most abundant resource: silicon, germanium also.

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Oh don’t worry by the end of the month we’ll be rolling on hot and fire sauce packets! Ordering online gives you the ability to decide how many of what kind you want. I have yet to see what the limit is. And of course I’d share a daily taco with you, I mean if I don’t get one daily it’s like a loss on the schizophrenia dow jones market. You have to pay for gas but don’t worry there’s a costco with a gasoline station nearby, if it’s after 3 PM we might be there a few hours, bring your switch you’ll be happy you did.


(Thought of this a little later but I still think it is funny enough to post…)

We can go 50/50 on the Mexican ketchup packets.


We can turn our garden easily into a vegetablegarden. I can’t see a problem of foodshortage here. Of course, when we have a more likely draught in West Australia we depend on canned food.

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Food prices are going up due to the shortage.