Possible danger at work

So the store only schedules 2 employees to close.

Tonight, it was my friend, a female, and me, another female.

A male customer came in shortly before close.

He came up to me and asked me which car was mine.

I did NOT tell him!

Why does he need to know my car?!?!

Very sketchy. Very.


Good on you @CoCo

Edit: I have something out of the ordinary happen every second day and it frustrating esp. with the brain disorder!

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That sounds frustrating @Dudenotperfect

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Yeah but when I watch short clips on insta about liffe coaching the frustration goes away, and I reset every day… used to be different that’s why I’m slowly adjusting!

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That’s really creepy. Thank God nothing bad happened to you, @CoCo .


shewee…glad you were smart enough not to tell him.

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Stay safe 15 chars

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Does your store have a security guard?

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No, we don’t @Moonbeam

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That is very sketchy.


Yeah, sounds like a person with a screw loose.

Where I work we have security we can call, or there is a button we can push in case of emergency. It’s a much cheaper arrangement than having a stationary guard in the store.

I guess the best way forward in such situation is to be polite(as to not aggrevate them), but firm and determined, where the mission is to get them to leave. And ofcourse not give them any personal information. Well, hope he won’t be back.


That’s what I did.


I agree. As triggering as this might be we gotta remember that there’s people with mental health problems just like us. Maybe he has some kind of mental disorder… Im sure you’re not in any danger. It is a bit weird to ask that but I’m sure they didn’t mean anything by it