So I got a ‘case manager’ a few months ago to help me figure out what benefits I qualify for. They helped me get a loan to fix up the house my bio dad left me in his will, and even helped me get a new truck after the tranny went in my old one. But now they have stuck their noses too far into my business.
This morning I got a surprise visit from a ‘Mental Health Coordinator’ who works for the state. She went through my house, and even after being told not to, she went into my roommates room (I rent a full on house with my roommie and now my GF) My dogs were, as always, well behaved, and kept their feet down, only giving her a slight sniff when she first came in. I might add she came into the house after knocking only once, and without actually having someone answer the door. I did NOT know she was coming, but she claims she spoke to me on the phone a week ago.
Her requirements for me to continue to receive benefits and allowed to live outside a ‘community’ were, in her mind most likely, simple. I had to get rid of my pets. She told me that if I do not rehome my dogs, my cat, and my rabbits she will call her bosses and have me admitted to a mental health community.
I am not worried about this happening, because one, shes a ■■■■■■■ twat and has no idea what would happen if I lost my dogs, and two, I already have a prescription for a therapy dog.
What pisses me off is this bitch has the balls to walk into my house uninvited and start making demands. I told her she had five minutes to get out of my house or I would call the cops and have her arrested for trespassing. Her response was to leave and call my landlord, telling him that my house was filled with feces and smelled like a backed up sewer. BULL ■■■■…I have OCD when it comes to cleaning my house, I clean every morning, and use scented candles to ward off the inevitable winter build up of bad smells. (its not like I can open a window to air the place out).
My landlord however, has no choice but to issue me an eviction notice, because the bitch told him my rent assistant program was being canceled. I called, and they were indeed canceling my rent, but that they had just received the call that I was not caring for the property from a designated reporter.
So next week I will be moving into my new house (which still needs a central heating unit and a new roof) with my Roomie and my GF. I have called the government body this woman claimed to be representing and found out she was indeed sent to check up on me, but that she had no authority to have me kicked out of my house and they will ‘do an internal investigation’.
I am insulted, and appalled that this could happen to me, based solely on my mental illness, does this woman think that SZ means you are stupid? That you can’t look up laws and make informed decisions on your own? I hear voices, I am depressed, I am NOT mentally retarded, I do NOT have some form of autism that makes me unable to care for myself. This bitch seems to think that I am less of a person because of my mental illness, and that just pisses me off to no end.
End Rant, sorry if this offends anyone