Poor Oral Health in Patients with Schizophrenia: a Meta-Analysis of Case-Control Studies

Apart from affecting the speech function and eating behavior of patients with schizophrenia, poor oral health also was negatively associated with their social and psychological mentality, including low self-esteem and social withdrawal [5, 6]. Poor oral health conditions causing the development of dental caries (such as tooth decay) and periodontal diseases are related to obesity, dementia, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases [7, 8]. Numerous studies had found that both schizophrenia [2] and periodontal diseases [9] carry potentially increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Thus, it is urgent to identify risk factors associated with oral diseases and implement preventive strategies in patients with schizophrenia.

Try being wicked poor and dentists cost money.


Yup. Or even if you have money, it’s not enough because your teeth are basically calcified suicide bombers.