[poll] - Donald Trump (???)
- Joe Biden (???)
- Hillary Clinton (???) [/poll]
[poll] - Donald Trump (???)
I’m from the UK and I don’t follow this, but if donald trump wins there will be wars.
I think she can overcome the rough spots she’s currently facing. I’m hoping some of her husband’s magic will rub off on her.
Yo you left out Bernie Sanders… before that Hilary was going to have my vote
I think the world will end soon by a nuclear holocaust. It will happen sooner if Trump wins.
I think Hilary wins. But she will do nothing about Isis while they continnue to build their army then one day they will attack when they’re really strong in mass quantities.
I hope ISIS/ISIL doesn’t come to America. ■■■■.
Bernie Sanders has my vote, and he will win
They’re already here but they’re being quiet because they know if they attack too early it’s game over for them. While they slowly take over europe and Obama and Hilary do nothing about it…they build up their army on our own soil over the internet. This is just my theory though.
I used to not think ISIS was a threat/that bad until I realized they truly wanna take over the world.
I blame US involvement in the middle east in the 90’s and before.
With Donald Trump…he’s just gonna bomb the ■■■■out of everyone. I say either way we’re screwed. We need someone in the middle ground but that doesn’t seem like its gonna happen.
It’s my opinion that our military might has become a joke. They are less funded, smaller, and now they’re letting women be in combat roles, and allowing gays and transgender women to serve. I’m not against gays, transgender, or women but I believe it will weaken our military. I heard on the radio that they tested men vs mixed combat teams and the men’s group did much, much better. We need a president that will keep our military strong yet not insane to start world war 3.
God willing, MIKE HUCKABEE.
ISIS is just a bunch of mercenaries, and Russia is leading the dismantling of them.
I don’t see that happening at all. A nuclear holocaust may happen in the middle east someday, but there’s no way in heck it would become global.
Good on them then. I hope you’re right. I’m not all up on politics. And I know their merceneries. But i fear they could do more if you have no idea which direciton theyre coming from. 21st century warfare. It’s scary to me. I hope you’re right though.
It’s a terrorist group. Mercenaries implies they get paid or work for someone. Russia is focusing on U.S. backed rebels, not ISIS/ISIL.
Do you know how good retired neurosurgeon candidate dr Ben Carson would be for America? I mean which other presidential candidate has a slogan ’ heal inspire revive '? If I were schizo I would want a president that would be more tailored to our needs. Trump is a big voice a leader with the entire left we would just get the same old crap. Dr Ben Carson for president 2016
Russia is bombing ISIS in Syria. This is common world news. Putin refers to ISIS as “mercenaries” because they ARE in fact getting paid by private interests to fight and dismantle Iraq & Syria. People don’t just go to war & kill people, dude. They only fight if there’s economic support guaranteed.
I think Vladimir Putin is what this country needs for our leadership because he’s not a wuss and can deal with ISIS and immigration firmly. Forget the business about being a foreigner. We need a powerful leader and Vladimir gets my vote.
â– â– â– â– all of the candidates!
Everyone needs to vote terminator on this one.
Let us begin the movement.
Terminator 2016! We want arnold!