Poll : What % of your time do you spend in distress?

  • 0
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40
  • 50
  • 60
  • 70
  • 80
  • 90
  • 100

0 voters

I spend at least 50% of my time in some kind of distress.


Iā€™d go for 5%, but that is not an option, so i went for 10% instead.

ā€œHell is other people.ā€ and i donā€™t see that many.

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Geez. Youā€™re so lucky.

Meditation is the key, but you wonā€™t unlock it. :wink:


Interesting ! Any particular brand of meditation?

Chronic headache. 7.5/10 today. Doesnā€™t go away. 100%

Iā€™m high on pain endorphins, thatā€™s the only plus side to it.

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A simple mantra meditation. The mantra changes. You just repeat the words in your head, over and over again for 20 minutes, while in a sitting position with eyes closed and a straight back ( so you donā€™t nod off).

Simple as that. After a month or so, you feel a subtle peace.


Thanks for the info. I might try it.

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Try the word, " Compassion" as an example. Time your breath with Commmm. and then passion. When your mind wanders, and it will. Let it go. Let the memory come. And then realise it then return to the breath and the word ā€œCommmm Passionā€.

donā€™t stress about saying the word in your head. It is not a fight. Let memories pass, come and go as they do and return to the breath.

Try it. It may work wonders.


You know, I found a great meditation app called Insight timer. You can build your own meditation timer with interval bells, sounds, etc. There are courses but some cost money. Introduction to meditation is a free one.

There are also guided meditations for relaxation, insight, sleepā€¦I really feel more relaxed when I spend even 10 minutes with the music.


Very good question! Good poll.

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I voted 70 but it could be more.

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I voted 30. It sometimes feels like half the time though.

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90 at the moment, usually around 50 at its lowest average is 70

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30 percent. The other times Iā€™m just lounging around.

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Hi @labratmat was upā€¦ meditation never did right to meā€¦!!! So i am pretty upset with itā€¦!!! I am glad its helping u ā€¦!!

What I donā€™t get is why work distracts me so well, and I actually get some enjoyment out of it when I am there and I am not bothered so much by my mind.

Itā€™s when I am at home/not working I am at my worst. I hate it. Everything just seems so intense. If my mind is not actively focusing on work it crashes and burns.

With normal people itā€™s usually the other way around :-/

I donā€™t know what to do really, I am considering whether I want to stay, but then I have to think about my family and the cycle continues ā€¦I seriously question the ā€˜selfishnessā€™ of suicide that people like to say, starting to feel to me itā€™s the other way round and itā€™s the others.

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At the moment 30-40% as Iā€™m worrying about my dadā€™s visit. Normally though less than 10% . Iā€™m more bitter at the years of inadequate treatment than distressed .

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Iā€™ve put 10% but it used to be a lot higher gradually over time itā€™s decreased

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Zero distressā€¦ 15151515 1

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