POLL: What is more real, me or the universe?

  • I am real, the universe isn’t
  • The universe is real, I’m not
  • NOS Third Option

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Today I’m torn between a choice of embracing a solipsistic delusion or a Cotard’s delusion. Which delusion will be flavour of the month?

Once you die the universe ceases to exist sure it doesnt disappear when you die but from a solipsist perspective it only ever existed when you were alive. Without any point of reference to make any observation at all nothing exists. Life isnt a dream of your conjuring but your perception gives existence to what doesnt know sense or feel which is 99.9 repeating of the universe. What does sense know and feel is composed exactly as you are but is so minute in the scheme of things to be close to nothing even though they may make up the majority of your perceptions.


Thats different from a solipsistic delusion which when i had it the mind is basically tricking me into thinking everything refers to me everyone is talking about me im the only thinking person etc.


I don’t really have any prior experience of dying so in the spirit of scientific humility I’d rather keep an open mind.

When I look up into the sky I see the universe–I don’t see you. So I’ll believe my eyes.
I’m sure you are real enough, just give yourself a chance.

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Your trying to separate two things that depend on each other to survive.

“I’ll believe my eyes” sounds not unlike blind faith.

So you are admitting that the universe depends on me to survive. :wink:

No, this sounds like blind faith.

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I like Winwood, but it’s still me who I see in the mirror, not the universe.

You’re part of the universe, when you are looking in the mirror you’re seeing the universe. I’ve never been in close proximity to a live lion but I have faith they exist.

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Same here, I have no doubt lions exist somewhere inside my mind.

You could just be an Internet troll. No way to answer.


I’ve often admitted that I am troll but it seems people on the forum have invested so much in believing that I’m seriously ill that they won’t accept the truth.

For obvious reasons I won’t post POTL. :grinning:

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This number is perhaps my all time favorite. I have never found my way home. Im lost forever.

I think @NotSeksoEmpirico and the rest of us are a fusion between the world and our specific body.


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Without you, there is no universe. Without the universe, there is no you. Both are equally true. Now what?

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Stacking the deck. Fallacy by omission. They both could be real or they both could be not real

Not otherwise specified. Your initial argument isn’t supported by any evidence allowing you to apply rhetoric to anyone else’s claim of evidence. You take no stance until someone gives evidence.