Poll: What causes mental illnesses

Probably been done before, but here we go!
What do you think causes mental illness?

  • Nature (genetics)
  • Nurture (parents)
  • Trauma (environment)
  • Isolation (social)
  • A spiritual failure (religion)
  • Cognitive-behavioural deficits (Education)
  • Some combination I will explain in my reply
  • Something else that Beep didn’t consider
  • There is no cause, it’s just random!

0 voters

I cheated, I think they are all true :see_no_evil:

In my case I feel trauma has a huge part to play. I don’t know anyone with sz or sza or even bipolar.

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The trauma of being born with an over-sized Johnson.


Shush velocijohnson


Mine was genetics. My dad had schizophrenia and some people on his side of the family also had it. I don’t know about any stressors. I worked in a hospital for years and it was always stressful.


I think it is usually a combination of genetics with environmental factors. Nothing else explains , for example, the increased risk factor of identical twins but it not being assured that they will both develop sz. IMO there has to be a genetic component mixed with other factors to explain most cases.


The poll said mental illness not sz so i chose isolation

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I’m going to have to side with the theory of an oversized Dean Sanders being the culprit

But also a possibility of an undersized Barry Bonds being a contributary factor

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Oops, I did not read the title carefully…I assumed it was sz.


General mental illness is probably caused by a wide range of things…

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I’m interested in figuring out what events cause each specific diagnosis, but I thought a general ‘mental illness’ poll would be a good starting point.


A brain infection by spirochetes, particularly Bartonella.

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Usually a combination of nature and trauma.


Oh I didn’t ever consider ‘Infection’ and also forgot to include ‘nutrition’.

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Epstein barr virus could be possibility

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