Here’s how my days usually go: I start out having no problems. I wake up, have coffee, then do something. This typically lasts for a few hours, then I run out of steam to do things, and just end up sitting there thinking. Then I run out of things to think about, and just sit there blankly. Then I feel as though I am being watched by aliens. It usually ends up the same way: I think they’re looking at their computers, which are giving them readings on what’s going in my head. Only their readings are telling them things that are not true, specifically that I am doing and thinking things that they are trying to get me to do and think, so I’m under their complete control. Then they mock me. Then I start thinking my own thoughts back at them, and make them curious enough to check on me visually. Then they see that I’m currently not under control, but they think I only broke out of it today. Then I print things from my email and bank account that prove I was doing things they did not think I could do long before they checked. Then they freak out and stop looking. Then once the feeling that I’m being watched goes away, I stop believing that aliens were ever doing this to me at all.
I’d say that on most days, 80% of my waking hours is delusion-free and 20% is spent with alien delusions. It ebbs and flows. Also, none of these symptoms come until I run out of things to do or think about and just sit there aimlessly.
This stood out to me, I think the same thing Execpt it’s the IRA/Americans who are looking at my thoughts. I get messages from posts on this site which confirms they can actually read my thoughts
maybe you need to find something for your mind when the alien thoughts start to happen. Just browse the internet or something. At least its only 20% of the time, could be worse…
The fact you’re posting about it on this website, under unusual beliefs makes me think it’s not an actual delusion. If you were experiencing a delusion, would you be aware of it, and communicating it in this way?
Somehow I don’t think it’s an intrusive thought, because when I’m in one of these “modes” I really seem to be believing that aliens are somehow messing with my head. Many psychiatrists have told me I have unusually good insight into my symptoms, so even though I may believe delusional things sometimes, I can snap myself out of it after a little while and tell myself I was delusional.