We are all familiar with the situation. A ‘reputable’ source includes a link claiming that “new research has linked the Mandela Effect to belief in Flat Earth”. This can’t be right, right, but would you click the link anyway?
Yes, I’m addicted to alternative, well-researched news
No, I won’t be fooled again
Sometimes, particularly if they involve 'before and after" images of ageing actors
I remember being taught the Earth was flat. Maybe proof we are living in a multiverse?
Heh. My picture is currently on our company intranet as I won an award for being one of the employes who hasn’t clicked on a single simulated phising email our security team has sent out over the past year. The award was one of those ring light / mobile phone stands for podcating. Giving it to my kid.
That’s good but I was thinking more along the lines of outrageous links you find in trusted pages. Actually I never click on anything remotely suspicious.