POLL. How good are you at resisting clickbait?

We are all familiar with the situation. A ‘reputable’ source includes a link claiming that “new research has linked the Mandela Effect to belief in Flat Earth”. This can’t be right, right, but would you click the link anyway?

  • Yes, I’m addicted to alternative, well-researched news
  • No, I won’t be fooled again
  • Sometimes, particularly if they involve 'before and after" images of ageing actors
  • I remember being taught the Earth was flat. Maybe proof we are living in a multiverse?

0 voters

Heh. My picture is currently on our company intranet as I won an award for being one of the employes who hasn’t clicked on a single simulated phising email our security team has sent out over the past year. The award was one of those ring light / mobile phone stands for podcating. Giving it to my kid.


That’s good but I was thinking more along the lines of outrageous links you find in trusted pages. Actually I never click on anything remotely suspicious.

Some of the simulated phising emails were really sketchy - it was hilarious.

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I voted for flat earth because I like science
:nerd_face: 🥸 :face_with_monocle: :cowboy_hat_face:

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All the newspapers are doing click bait these days.

A lot gets posted on Facebook as well

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I’m very good at resisting. But I trained myself a lot to bounce off it

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I wouldn’t go for it even if it wasn’t illegal.


There’s funny news ads that these Russian sites pay for on weather sites

It’ll be like a picture of a waterbottle on a car tire with a caption “always remember to do this!” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

They just want you to view there 50 page slide show to get ad revenue

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Yeah, knowing both sides of the argument will set us free, or something like that.

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