I have the option of taking an extra bonus quiz to earn extra credit points. So far, I have a 98 in the class. But we have 4 more grades coming up before the end of the semester. I am feeling a bit overworked this week and would like a chance to relax, but I also don’t want to lose a lot of points later on and wish I had taken the opportunity for extra credit. Lessons are getting much more complicated as we continue. What do you think I should do?
I said skip, as if you tire yourself out - especially on a rest day like a Sunday (!), then you might not be up for the general stuff that needs doing.
It’s not like I did the bare minimum when I studied, but I did the base requirements and did them well.
I say skip the quiz.
If you don’t let yourself relax when you’re already feeling overworked, you’ll end up feeling burnt out. Your brain will work slower and things will feel exhausting more quickly.
You’ve got a 98, so chances are your next tests will yield a high score too.
I don’t know how many points you need to pass, but I’m sure you’ve got some wiggle room.
Let yourself have some time off so you can feel refreshed.