Poll: Do your meds work for you?

How much haldol you on? I take haldol and klonopin.

I remember you recommending it. The doctor decided to put me on it. I’m on 2 mg in the morning and 2 mg night. I’m going to start out with 2 mg just in the morning.

New avatar? is it a pic of you?

That’s how much I started on. Now I just take 1mg because 4 made me too zombie. Yes that is me.

the 2 mg once is working, although I just started today. I like it better than the chlorpromazine, which always made me tired. today, still no voices, but it’s only day 1.

you look like your in a rock band. cool shades

ha nope not in a band. hope the haldol works for you.

I am here as a mother of a son who is chronic.With delusional thoughts and severe Paranoid Schizophrenia.His meds have Not worked as of yet.It has been 12 years.I am trying to figure out how to help him.

that is very beautiful that you want to help your son. I would try the older meds first. they have bad side effects, but they work great for stopping the delusions and hearing voices. God bless and take care.

My meds barely work for me.

I get this frequently however I chalk it up to heavy psychedelic use from my youth. Have you taken them?


I have tried weed at a festival a couple of months ago that did nothing and I had mdma at a festival last year that just made me a bit manic. Otherwise no drugs.

My situation doesn’t apply to the list. My positive symptoms disappear on meds, but I experience a lack of motivation that never used to be a problem (sounds like a negative symptom but is not).