Poll: Do you suffer from a win/lose mentality?

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  • No
  • Not sure
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I used to. I used to keep comparing myself to one friend in particular who appears to have “won” in life, at least financially.

I think I’ve finally broken free from the whole win/lose mentality that has tortured me for years.

What about you? Win lose?

Sometimes, I think I’ve gotten past comparing, only to find that’s not quite true. It depends on the day too. Personal growth is tough. I think that it’s good to do everything in moderation. If I didn’t get a little competitive sometimes, I wouldn’t try practicing, or getting better at anything. So, I let my self admire famous writers. And I’ll get jealous of a good book, wishing I had written it. But I think the trick is not compare myself to others to the point I get filled with self loathing.


its not if I win or lose but if I continue to improve


I guess this is similar to black and white thinking. I ordered a book on it.

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I’m constantly comparing myself to people without illness. It’s unfair to me and I am actively trying to stop. Just sucks when you feel like you’re so behind. Even though “behind” is completely subjective.

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I compare myself to normies when im around them because they are so energetic and free but when im alone i dont think about it

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Hey @everhopeful . Is it just me or have you become a lot quieter lately? You ok?

I usually see everything in gray rather than black and white.

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