Poll: Can you work?

Yes. Mindless work is much easier for me. My focus is very bad so anything too complex I almost always mess up.

Studying has been very difficult for me lately. My brain just feels foggy. I lose my train of thought quickly.

Been like this since 10 years old. :confused:

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I didnā€™t used to be this way with attention. It didnā€™t set in until after my depression. I used to have so much energy and could clearly focus on everything. Ever since my depression went full blown in middle school though Iā€™m just 0 energy all the time and my brain canā€™t pay attention to anything.

Itā€™s so unfair for us not to have energy and not being able to focus!! :worried: :worried: :worried:


Exactly. And thereā€™s no medicine to take that gives you energy, only caffeine and illegal narcotics lol. And caffeine just makes me jittery.

I wish the school system would take that into account. Like an A for someone with no mental issues at all shouldnā€™t be worth as much as say even a B someone struggling with all this crap gets.

Thereā€™s so many underlying factors behind grades they really arenā€™t an adequate measure of anything at all.

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i build skyscrapers out of legoā€¦!?!
take care :alien:


Yeah, but the bad thing is that if we are treated better than the others, there will be stigma I guessā€¦I donā€™t know, on the other hand my doctor told me to say that I have a problem, because that reduces the stigma.

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You too!!! :wink:


I cant workā€¦this illness is too debilitating.

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Yeah, it is. It also affects our ability to function properly and to focus on work. :disappointed:

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I am too lazy to work fulltime the state has to provide me an income so I donā€™t die of starvation.

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I had a meeting with a vocational rehabilitation counselor this morning and she thinks employment goals for me are unfeasible.

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I can work.

I currently work as a cook, average 25-30 hours.

I get stressed extremely easily though and am either really good or really ā– ā– ā– ā– . Disconnect a lot which is annoying.

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Concentration of a pea No interest or want to socialise in better part of ten years. I get a pension and for what Iā€™ve been thru and continue to go thru I deserve it Eat ā– ā– ā– ā– !

thanks rose ā€¦you made my day man.

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I worked for as long as I was able to. By the time I quit, I could barely speak, write a sentence and drive to and from work. The stress was literally killing me. It took a year to recover to get to where I could write sentences again. I still cannot comprehend what I read and I have a lot of trouble speaking especially in therapy.

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I want to work but I canā€™t even get a job. Somedays like today, I think I am not ready and need to recover more. My last job I was not coping well, and had a lot of bad expensive habits. I think I miss the social aspect of work and the income of course. I think my time out has made me a better person. I am calmer now and stronger too. I am in more control of myself.

Iā€™m looking for a part time job. Since I lost my last one :cry:

Too much duress in the workplace these days consumes my brainā€™s ability to cope. I am already combating symptoms full-time, especially the pain & cramping inside of the brainā€¦ not to mention the hallucinating.

But, itā€™s okay. Even though I donā€™t have the ability to work, at least I have the ability to stabilize my mood through wise tactics. Maybe I could work partially via an internet job, but until that job market takes off, I canā€™t really do it.

I will eventually do some free-lance stuff on Youtube.

I guess I think if I start work, I will be normal again. And everything will be wonderful. Truth is I still barely cope to go to a weekly support group. Also I have pressure from my dad to find work. And like self-stigma I think I put pressure on myself. I would like to work from home ideally. Maybe I will try and get a part time job.