Poll: Are you Sz/a or Other?

  • I am diagnosed Sz/a

  • I am diagnosed ā€˜otherā€™

  • I come here for the free twinkies and dancing girls

0 voters

Just wanna see how this Forum breaks down diagnosis wise.

iā€™m diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder depressive type and ptsd. I was sza bipolar type but my doctor changed the diagnosis since I havenā€™t been manic in months.

Not one of my many doctors have ever told me what my diagnosis was. I read it on an Insurance formā€¦Schizophrenia.

I donā€™t know what to choose. My pdoc thinks Iā€™m SZA but sheā€™s only known me for 2 months, and I disagree with her. I know I get psychosis but we disagree on the cause of it.

Anyway I come here because nobody else on earth can stand to listen to me ramble about toads.

@SzAdmin ran this poll before making the split.

Poll: How would you classify yourself as having, Schiz./SchizAffect, Etc?


Sorry, I missed that Poll by Sz Adminā€¦or at least forgot about it. My bad!

Still only came here for twinkies anyway.


Cheating on those burritos


I am an ex sz/a. I was sz and then sz-a for 30 years until a new pdoc came long deep into psychology and went down the ā€œyouā€™re personality disorderedā€ route.
In terms of treatment apart from a yearā€™s pdoc imposed break of medication not much changed.
When I went back on it was to an atypical with antipsychotic and mood stabilising properties instead of a mood stabiliser sometimes with an atypical,
My current dx(repeating this for the umpteenth time) is paranoid PD. My treatment, very much that given to a sz/sz-a/or bipolar with psychotic features ie risperdal consta an atypical depot injection.

My own view I very much fit Psychotic Disorder: Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)

Attenuated psychosis syndrome: This syndrome is characterized by psychotic-like symptoms that are less severe and more transient (and insight is relatively maintained) than what is typically seen in full psychosis.

Which is number 3.

We should have a Category thatā€™s calledā€¦

ā€œI Donā€™t Know What I Gots, But Iā€™m Bat $hit Crackers When Iā€™m Off of My Medsā€

I think we could all comfortably post under this category. :wink:


ā€œTwinkiesā€ for short.


I have Schizophrenia and depression but no mania.

I take an antidepressant and antipsychotic medication.

SZ and other. (Aspergerā€™s.)

Oh, andā€¦ I really like tacos. REALLY like them.

some times we make tacos at home with a taco kit some salad tomatoes sour cream and ground beef. Other times I get a taco supreme at taco bell.

I always think they are too fiddly for me to make. I used to order online from a Mexican place until they put their minimum order up to Ā£20.