Poll Are you afraid of catching diseases

  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

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I guess I’m a Sheldon.

There is no known cure for being Sheldon, but a name change might provide some relief.

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I usually only change my username when I’m having a spell of paranoia.

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Thanks @NotSeksoEmpirico

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It’s okay to be afraid when you have a lowered immune system or are medically fragile. And when there’s a pandemic about. It’s okay to be a lil afraid.


Thanks @anon55031185.

Once in a while, I worry about cancer.

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I worry about diseases. I already have multiple disabilities. I can’t handle any more on my plate.

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Thanks chordy. I know the feeling. They found a module in my lung they are watching.

Thanks @Blossom. That’s what my sister says about my medical condition.

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There are a lot of Sheldons now I imagine. Darn pandemic.

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Thanks @shutterbug. I guess Covid proved Sheldon right.

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My sister is really bad. I had a guy from church over to my apartment and all we did was talk. She wanted to know if we had masks on in my apartment.

I was talking to a friend of mine who said after what he did in the 1980’s by all rights he should have hiv, but he never came down with it. It’s the same with me. I should have it but don’t.

I’m not as afraid of infectious diseases that one can ‘catch’ as I am of non transmission able ones such as heart disease and stroke.

It runs in my family a lot

And I have a history of binge eating and a sedentary lifestyle.

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Thanks @Zoe. I think you are pretty young. In my case I have COPD and a heart condition from smoking. Hopefully you don’t smoke. Believe me it’s not worth it.

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Before the vaccine was available to me, I was really scared of COVID. Not anymore though.

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Sorry to hear that lantern I hope you will be okay

I know copd may be pretty irritating to say the least.

Yes I’m 33.

Still I need to change my ways

I will keep you in my thoughts

Thanks @agent101g. I got the vaccines too as soon as I could.

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