Police was not indited...Ferguson Missouri (should this be news or diagnosed?)


Dr. Bill Lewinski, executive director of the Force Science Institute, told Force Science News in a 2006 interview centered on Paterson’s proposed legislation. "When civilians judge police shooting deaths-on juries, on review boards, in the media, in the community-this same argument is often brought forward. Shooting to wound is naively regarded as a reasonable means of stopping dangerous behavior.

“In reality, this thinking is a result of ‘training by Hollywood,’ in which movie and TV cops are able to do anything to control the outcomes of events that serve the director’s dramatic interests. It reflects a misconception of real-life dynamics and ends up imposing unrealistic expectations of skill on real-life officers.”

Vice President Joe Biden agrees. When Michael Paladino, president of New York’s Detectives Endowment Association, showed him the bill he reportedly scoffed and suggested that it be called the “John Wayne Bill” because of the unrealistic, movie-like sharpshooting skills it demands of officers.

I can regularly shoot above 270 with a recurve at 50m in a light breeze (mostly 10 rings with some 9 and 8 rings). If someone breaks into my home and they are…

  1. Carrying a knife or bludgeoning weapon, and
  2. A sufficient distance from me

They are getting an arrow in the thigh. I am proficient enough to have a second arrow out of my quiver and ready to release inside of two seconds. If they keep coming the second arrow doesn’t go into their thigh.

If someone has a gun, they get the first arrow centre mass and they keep getting arrows centre mass until they are no longer holding or able to reach said weapon, and I’ll empty my entire damn quiver if I have to. I value the lives of my family and myself above that of a criminal who is threatening me and mine.

I’ve never used a handgun so I can’t speak to how accurate I’d be with one, but I am even more accurate with a .22 or 3030 than I am with a bow.


I will be interested in reading why one police officer was not indited. With witnesses describing wrong doing, an indictment was to follow.

Two men, shocked at what they saw, describe an unarmed teenager with his hands up in the air as he’s gunned down by a police officer.

My hands are not up in the air and I am not mouthing a ‘what’ in confusion when I read some replies where online posters state certain folks act like victims and only want new t.v.s. I am not surprised. When the Jim Crow Museum has video footage of white folks, specifically a female speaking in one instance, changing her tone to indicate a sneering response about how they had it coming to them for being lynched, I know who has had past representation and who has not.

Before my time, segregation came about in Chicago because some had political representation and some did not. Proof follows. Rainbow’s End: Irish-Americans and the Dilemmas of Urban Machine Politics Steven P. Erie

As Milton Rakove has observed, Daley expected his administration "to recognize political realities in Chicago and to be sensitive to the built-in relationships among city agencies, the ward organizations, and voters."43 In Chicago, the party ruled the bureaucracy, and the mayor ruled the party.

Middle-class whites demanded that machines supply more than low taxes and homeowner services. As the northern cities filled with blacks and Hispanics, whites also demanded the preservation of white neighborhoods and continued control over such “culture-transmitting” institutions as the schools. White hegemony, not divisbile benefits, increasingly served as the machine’s chief attraction for the ethnic middle class.44

In Chicago, housing and the schools served as the twin litmus tests for the white voters. The Chicago Housing Authority represented a key machine mechanism for maintaining racial residential segregation–and the white vote. The Housing Authority practiced racial discrimination in both public housing site selection and tenant assignment. In particular, the agency had to choose whether to build low-density projects on vacant land in white neighborhoods or high-density projects on cleared slummed sites. The extension of heavily black housing projects into white neighborhoods threatened the machine’s traditional ethnic constituency. As the white ward bosses rose in opposition to scattered-site projects, the agency turned to building inner-city high rise projects. Segregated public housing projects were not the only weapons the machine used to maintain white neighborhoods.

I am thankful for the Civil Rights I have and I read up on who’s who.

Representation does not come about because many are sick of listening to sideliners insist those who seek representation are only asking for special treatment and only want publicity or a new t.v.

The witness testimony was inconsistent with the forensic evidence discovered at the autopsy and also the injuries sustained by the officer in question. Witnesses can be mistaken or lie. The forensic evidence does not.


So those looters stealing tvs don’t actually want them? It’s social protest? lol

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I am aware I have to read about the forensic evidence and the happenings of the trial.

I won’t speak for them.

But the tactic Civil Disobedience comes to mind.

Civil disobedience by burning stores and looting? No, those are just criminals.

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I know this will sound bad to some but I really don’t ■■■■■■■ care. It’s funny how certain segments of our society, when faced with injustice or something to which they disagree, vote for change and peaceably protest, while others loot and pillage.

A non-violent type, I am turned of by criminal acts regardless of who commits them.

In this day and age, communities can prevent injustice by supporting proper representation. If rioting occurs, representation was not supported to begin with.

In his grand jury testimony, Officer Darren Wilson described Michael Brown in monstrous terms, comparing him to a demon. He said the teenager had punched him several times during their initial altercation at his police vehicle.

But just how badly did Mr. Brown hurt Officer Wilson?

There were 37 photographs released by the St. Louis County prosecutor showing Officer Wilson after the incident. This close-up snapshot is the clearest image showing Officer Wilson’s most severe injury – a minor abrasion on the side of his face.


Officer Wilson shot his gun off 12 times - Sounds like over kill to me
I mean my State Trooper cousin is a nice guy - a good cop, but he carries a gun wherever he goes even when he is off duty, inside family gatherings with kids present. Gun obsessions are common among police officers

It wouldn’t be more pleasant in the least.

It would be the same whether i imitated eeyore or not.

There are good reasons for what they are doing. What do you expect them to do? Ask nicely? They are trapped and they know it.

And you know what, i think poor people should join them.

Where did you read that?

i just heard it on CNN

Two were fired in the car, he was hit 7 or 8 times, must have missed with a couple.

Yeah probably - but 12 times? Wow

Well, the two in the car were in the struggle, one hitting the car and the other lost. Then he shot the guy a couple times when he turned and started towards him. That didn’t stop the guy so he shot again after the guy kept advancing.

After how I was mistreated by a couple of cops when I was destabilized, and after the Kelly Thomas beating and death by a few dirty cops - I have an underlying mistrust/fear of cops