Poem about Alcohol

Demons raid
the damaged brain.
Rambling monologues,
Kill time.
Drinking excites
the senses
While forgetting
the doubting
Sounds of
inner resign.
Drinking forgets
time, waking up
in a sweat
That dread
And kindness
Of the Russian
The vodka
And it’s exalted
And I forget
My resign.
Drinking excites
The brain
And loves one
The moment u meet
fear goes out
The window.
A penetrable fear
Following one around
Till the end
Till finally
The curtains
stay down
No inner sound.


An old poem of mine,

Ode to Beer

Beer, smooth as the moon into the night,
lasting longer than its lit look, the world,
lasting as long as stars are away, far gone
like a cry that is pressed to the background,
beer, making everything pale through the eyes
and soften as the fur of the coyote, some dark
and hollow chance of feeling the weight of the
world, nothing here nor there to compare it
to, beer, the sleepy and lost walk of the mind
that tries to find the latch of the locked moon,
frees the sun to run along the river and
determine the length of the day, beer, always
ready, always willing, the sweet numb dip
in the cold river, always flowing away from
you like something tugging at your insides,
beer, pulling the senses down like signs,
selling nothing but the current measurements,
and wearing it like a woman saved from tedium