Tell me im worth it, that i am worth loving… That even though im alone im still valued, that im a person who isnt just broken but able to be whole…
You’re going through a rough break up,
It’s normal to feel these things even though they’re not true.
You are still valued, worth loving and a whole person.
Give yourself some proper time to grieve this loss,
It’s important.
You’re worth it, you’re worth everything. You don’t need validation from the presence of another human. Be who you are and value yourself enough to lift yourself up and move forward. Everyone’s alone, even those of us with partners. I have to value myself and find my fulfillment completely separate from my husband because no other person will be able to fill that void.
It’s all you.
I am not sure what to do here. I am new to the community and this makes me wonder if I should even be here. I have so many questions about schizophrenia and shizoaffective disorder that someone like Itsme could answer.
Do you have time?
First you need to love yourself. Time will heal everything. Letting go of old stuff and prepare for the new one to come.
It’s normal to go through grief when experiencing a loss. Have you heard of the five stages?
It’s important to allow yourself to grieve. You don’t need to wallow or let it fester, but do allow yourself time to feel sad and eat comfort food in bed, etc.
You have a disease but you can still be loved. Another guy will come along. I hear there’s a million guys out there. One of them is yours.
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