Please someone kill me

Please realise it’ll get better. I wish I could help more.


Itried that. Sorry. You’re never going to find anybody who is willing to kill you. I know. You better call your pdoc or call 911 if you are feeling suicidal with a plan on carrying it out. Please get ahold of someone who can help you. Please @KingKazuma.

I just threw a grenade at you. Boom!!! Seriously get some real help!!!

My friend I think you might have physical health issues that are contributing to your mental health issues. I know the drugs are hard so that’s probably why you don’t want to take them, but there’s other things you can start with if you don’t want to start with medication. Hold on to the hope that things really can get better even though you might not know how yet. People with the same health problems are becoming healthier every day. There is a way you just have to search for it.

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