Please, put us back in the institutions!

Can we work something out here?

Because we want back in the institutions.

■■■■ this place.

I mean look at this ■■■■!

Wtf is this ■■■■?!

I’d rather be back in the institution man.

Can you just lock us away again so we can get away from this horrible ■■■■?


I agree with you pans. I belong in an institution too. But my mornings are hellish, so your post hit me at a bad time.

I belong on a warm tropical beach with an endless supply of margaritas and pina coladas.


i like life on the outside, its a bit harder but well worth it, independence is ace.

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When we are helpless we don’t know what we can be or what we are capable of and the others shower us with their advice, it’s not advice we need, it’s the health we need and, with health we are no more like dead zombies who lost their soles to pain and turmoil and wandering the streets of misery and ask for favours like,

please put us back in the institutions…

You are all completely correct when you ask for such favours and we often find that the World

sees things differently and the others are simply absent to our reality.

Friends it’s all in our minds actually that would be complete bull crap,

the truth is. it’s all in our unhealthy mind.

The solution is health and initially the problem is troubled health so health is the problem

I posted this here in this forum ages ago,

I posted something I don’t remember the post exactly but it revolves around health

and it is something similar to

Health is the problem, health is the solution ---- something in those lines

So guys, friends all I can say is, I always found myself helpless because my pockets were empty

and when I had money in my pockets I would not know what to do with the money and eventually

the money gets completely wasted and misused

and when I understand that I am missing health supplements

then it’s all together a new world of problems

like unable to buy them

unable to know which, when, how much etc

and finally I used random health supplements and random nootropics

when ever I could grab and latch on to some money and eventually I turned

from hopeless to making quotes

and finally I am no longer using anti psychotics.

I’m using two or four All 9 M tablets and that is all.

All 9 M


I have internal yeast infection and this certainly is

the cause of serious memory problems apart from schizophrenia imparted memory failure.

Speak for yourself. Got lots of words of encouragement from my supervisor at the new job yesterday. Only two days in and I’m waaaaaaaay ahead of where she expected me to be. Already tracking faster than the two non-SZs hired on the same day as me. Hoo-ah!



I have always known you to be intellectually superior to me when ever I took a simple glance at your posts

but then I was like designed to win

and that being said the reality that we are individuals and have separate lives and personalities and several things catering to different individuals etc and etc

I must say my health took a positive turn and I am totally beating pixel to the ground I guess



I hope pixel doesn’t find my physical address otherwise my life can be a mess

Nah, we’d wind up going out for tea and curry together - no worries!



Yeah yeah yeah curries

Me and my friends used to do that like once in ages all because

I was always body present and mind absent

How many times I would find myself not enjoying the moment / present

and later magically

I would say

those were the days…

And yes

several years ago

I made a statement

Present is the only present

Now is the only gift

Now is the only truth

Present = Now

Present = Gift

and later I found that any human can make this statement, it’s only a matter of time

and, yes several of our ancestors already did exactly that

If every person with schizophrenia were the same that would make perfect sense but some of us can make it on our own sometimes with a little help, and some of us can hold down jobs and raise kids and no one really likes being put away forever. For many people with schizophrenia that’s a scary thing to say and some I bet are even offended.

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Can’t agree more.

It’s more or less like

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line and different

lifeforms are always found to be trekking on different paths…

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I don’t think I experienced one good moment in my 8 months locked up. I’m not happy a lot of the time now, but at least I can take a walk whenever I want. And eat what I want, when I want. The list goes on. Nice vid though. Good ol’ sexy Fergie. My nickname for her is “Pirate” because every time I see her she shivers my timbers.


The days of large-scale institutions and asylums are gone, thankfully so. Just google “Willowbrook State School” on YouTube and watch Rivera’s 1972 expose.


Well as @kindness suggests they used to be pretty bad places from what I heard. That being said I might consider going to one if it was free. I found a crisis place that is free. They don’t do that much to help you in that there are a lot of medications they won’t give you. However I have been at one that cost money and I’m still paying it off. I just hope they are done with lobotomies.


I hated the ward. Made me crazier. Cameras everywhere.

A paranoid persons nightmare.


I spent many months in a very old hospital built in the late 1700’s that was originally built as an asylum. It was all long gone before I was there, but they used to be self sufficient, with livestock, crops, greenhouses, a bowling green and ice rink etc. I heard stories of people who lived there all their lives. It had indoor tennis courts, a ballroom, and all sorts of other things. I think if I had been born 100 years earlier, I might well have spent my life there. Part of me things that would have been ok, being away from the outside world and all the crazy sh*t that happens in it. I’ve been in modern hospitals that felt very cold and clinical, but I always felt at home in that place. I think it would have been ok living my life out there, as it was in it’s early days.

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From my experience with mental Hospitals I definitely don’t want to live in one. I have been very paranoid and afraid that I ‘needed’ to live in one for my own safety but I feel better now and I am glad to be as independent as I can be. We still have a long ways to go but the world is much more compassionate toward the mentally ill than in times past, thank God.

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