I need it. I’m sorry for being annoying
Abilify is not a strong AP, you’re lucky to have this. But that’s why maybe it doesn’t work on your delusion though. If you really want to remove your delusion maybe you should try another AP.
What specific kind of advice you need?
It seems like everyone is giving you advice, which you aren’t accepting. I don’t know what more we can tell you.
The problem is you don’t even consider other people’s advice.
Be honest with your pdoc and listen to what he/she has to say. Also, take your meds.
Try Risperidone. Its 23% stronger than Abilify.
Or that you genuinely try to give good advice, but the user in question flags you to moderators for it because she didn’t like it.
I’ve said it before.
Participate in other discussions. Be a part of the community. Stop making the same threads over and over
We are here for you fellow human.
What the community established so far:
- You need to tell the truth to the doctor like your life depends on it.
- Participate in other conversations where people talk to each other.
- Avoid purposely creating repetitive and triggering threads.
May I ask you what’s stopping you from taking the action when other people give you genuine advice and share their wisdom? Could you perhaps consider listening what other people are saying to you?
While you do need support (like most of us here), but think about other members. People are getting triggered by your wild behavior. Try get in touch with your doctor and take it from there.
Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you around in other threads.
Yes. We want to help you, but you can’t post these “dog trying to catch it’s tail threads” It’s been going in circles for months. I’m not trying to be mean, maybe it’s not deliberate, but you need to be made aware of how it looks to others.
That’s not to say you can’t make new topics on your own, but you have to be concrete in what it is you want. Like this topic you just ask for advice without giving any information about what it is you want advice for. And the dialog in the post become unconstructive, like a guessing game. That can be frustrating to other members.
You can learn a lot from reading what other people post you know. Amongst other thing you might find other people who have similar symptoms to your own, what diagnosis they have and how they deal with it. And also you can find people who use the same meds you are and what experiences they have had with side effects etcetra. To learn more about yourself you need to step outside of yourself
To know everything you must give up everything
Let’s be patient with her she’s just a kid.
Hey Crystal C. Unfortunately there’s only so much we can say before we turn into a broken vinyl repeating ourselves. Recovery comes from actively participating in life, be it on an online support forum or in real life, and if you decide to participate as a member here you will be welcomed.
I can empathize with everybody here, and I understand everyone’s frustrations and I also understand the struggle of not being able to face the illness when its new. Its scary, and we all cope differently.
I feel for you, I really do. It pains me to see someone in this stage of acceptance/denial with their psychosis, but it is a common stage for many.
What are you looking for from the forum? This is a support forum, so in what way can we best support you while supporting each other? What do you think you can do to support others here? I think answers to these questions will help out a lot.
I would consider the advice if it was something I could actually put to use
Like most of the advice here and not just ”stop being manipulative”
You can’t dictate the type of advice or support people offer. You can try, sure. But then you alienate those trying to help.
Just be honest with your pdocs. Cooperation with them and freedom to question everything they say and if you can or want, research on medication etc. Reliable sites. Medical journals etc.
Are you on abilify still?
Yeah I’m on abilify, it doesn’t work rlly
Have you told the pdoc that you lied about all the delusions except for that one delusion?