Please do this easy POLL

  • I can easily work on an antipsychotic
  • I can not easily work on an antipsychotic.

0 voters

Part time though

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I can not work being so paranoid sensitive and fearful of my ocd would make me way too inefficient with my time…
It would most likely have to be a job that is on my own pace…

I play wit the animals. Does that count?


Do you get paid to do that?
Sounds laid back

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No, I volunteer on a farm that helps rehabilitate troubled youth


Well that counts
I think that’s really cool


Where do you work and why couldn’t you work more?
Are all your symptoms managed with medication?
What medications do you take?

I work at Starbucks. Abilify was managing my symptoms but I’m not on it right now. Long story. But yeah it worked well.

If I work more than 20 hours or so my mental health gets real bad. Had this happen recently

I could not work when I was on Haldol. Now I can work and I’m on Geodon

Worked in human services kind of field in high level occupation. I am able to use occupational therapy kinds of techniques on myself to work to recovery.
Can’t even volunteer. So different now.

I can’t answer because I don’t know yet. I’m looking for work now and once I find a job we’ll see if I can do it or not.

I answered I couldn’t , because I’ve never had a job . To be fair though other factors may be far more relevant re that than any effect of an antipsychotic . Such as severe social anxiety ,lack of initiative, executive functioning difficulties , dyspraxia, Asperger’s , etc etc .

I cannot work for many, many reasons. Both psychological and physical.

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It ain’t easy but I do it


I can and do work, but it’s not easy at all.

I make myself sick a lot from the stress. It’s worth it though because I value what i am doing and enjoy the actual work.

My problem is dealing with other people


My issues are depression and anxiety — happens frequently but is yet un predictable … I just can’t do it some days, and even doing my absolute best there is still days in my bed all day :neutral_face:

I’m hoping PSR will change this…

Million times easier than without
I don’t find work easy with just had to not vote against

can’t work with akathisia. i dont see how anyone can.